A heavenly city hosting civilizations… You will be the neighbour of historical riches… - Arkin Varosha Residences: Luxury

A heavenly city hosting civilizations… You will be the neighbour of historical riches…

HISTORY OF FAMAGUSTA A port in heaven that welcomes civilizations… A heavenly city hosting civilizations… LALA...


A port in heaven that welcomes civilizations…

A heavenly city hosting civilizations…


Built during the Lusignans period, the St. Nicholas Cathedral was transformed into a mosque, and named after the Ottoman commander Lala Mustapha Pasha, who conquered Famagusta during the Ottoman period. The gothic-style cathedral, located in Namık Kemal Square in the city centre, is architecturally considered one of the most important monuments not only of the island, but also of the Middle East region.


The Famagusta Port, one of the most important trade ports of the Eastern Mediterranean in every period of history, remains the symbol of the city today.


The Othello Castle, built by the Lusignans in the 14th century in order to protect the Famagusta Port, was named after Shakespeare’s famous play Othello, and was the inspiration behind this work which gained worldwide fame. Currently the hall located in the castle hosts many cultural and artistic events.


The ancient city of Salamis, which was founded by migrants from Anatolia and Greece coming to the Island of Cyprus towards the end of the Bronze Age, has been used as the capital of Cyprus for many years. Located in the ancient city of Salamis, which was ruined by invasions and raids, the Forum, Roman Gymnasium, Roman Theatre, Agoro (Marketplace), Zeus Temple and the tomb of Salamis kings still reflect the glory the city had in the past.





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